What's On
Past EFT Cafe events
EFT Café – May 14 – reconnecting To Our Enthusiasm
When you look at young children you can see that they are enthusiastic about being alive.
EFT Café – April 9th – Mindfulness And EFT
Mindfulness and mindfulness meditation, is getting lot of attention in science and the media.
EFT Café – Dec 11th, 2013 – Tapping Into Gratitude
The practice and “attitude of gratitude” has been extolled by many religious traditions down the ages.
EFT Café – November 13th – Tapping & Timelines
This month’s EFT Cafe is about combining EFT/Tapping with the concept of timelines from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to give you a simple and powerful way to prepare to be at your best for upcoming events.
EFT Café – October 9th 2013 – How To Be More Positive With EFT
“You’ve got to accentuate the positive,
EFT Café - September 11th – How To Use EFT To Achieve Your Not-So-SMART Goals
Many people are familiar with the idea of Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timed (SMART) goals: pass the exam in July, paint the house next week, run the marathon in less than three hours, lose 15lb in two months, and so on.
EFT Café – June 12th – Tapping To Get Your To-Do List Done
Do you ever find that your to-do list turns into a list of things you don’t do.
EFT Café – May 8th - How To Use EFT To Melt Frozen Thinking
Is the way that you are thinking keeping you stuck?
EFT Café – April 10th – Clearing The Way To Get From What You Don’t Want To What You Do Want
Image courtesy of Katie Tegtmeyer Most of us have a list of things that we don’t want.
EFT Café – March 13th – Reflexive Tapping
In this month’s EFT Cafe Andy Hunt will demonstrate a technique for reducing self-judgemental attitudes, reduce should-ing on yourself and increase self-acceptance and compassion.