EFT Cafe – 8th Nov 2017 – The Motivation Ladder
Most of us would like to be more motivated to get things done and achieve our goals.
Unfortunately, wanting to be motivated and being motivated can seem like two very different things.
If you want to be motivated but struggle to get motivated then there are probably some blocks (aka limiting beliefs) getting in the way of your motivation.
The ‘Motivation Ladder’ is a step by step process based on a idea from Steve Wells that you can use to identify and undo some of those blocks so it’s easier to work towards your goals.
If you are attending please bring some goals that need some more motivation with you.
The EFT Cafe is on Wednesday 8th November 2017 at St Oswald’s Hospice Education Centre, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne from 7pm to 9pm and costs just £10