EFT Cafe – 14th December 2016 – Tapping Into Kindness
For most of us spreading goodwill to all is much easier in theory than in practice.In the Buddhist tradition there are specific practices designed to help us develop our ability to be kind and friendly to others.
The spirit of friendly kindness or ‘metta’ as it is known to Buddhists is traditionally cultivated by specific meditation practices designed to help us be kind to ourselves and others.
Research on metta meditation has shown it has a wide range of benefits.
“For one, loving-kindness (metta) meditation makes you feel closer to others, even strangers. And this happens not just consciously (as in you noticing that you “feel closer to this person”) but also on a deeper level (in that you automatically react more positively to people). We also found that it increases your feelings of happiness and well-being generally” – Emma Sepalla
These meditation techniques can easily be adapted to a form that can be used with tapping to help cultivate our ability to be kind to ourselves and to others.
In this month’s EFT Cafe Andy Hunt will demonstrate a tapping version of metta practice that can be used by anyone regardless of religious persuasion, or lack thereof, to help them find this particular spirit of Christmas.
The EFT Cafe is on Wednesday 14th December, 2016 at St Oswald’s Hospice Education Centre, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne and costs just £10