EFT Café – Meet The Blockers – Thursday 15th September
If so, you have met The Resistance – a collection of internal barriers or limiting beliefs that get in your way success.
Fortunately it is easy to work with limiting beliefs using EFT. Unfortunately they can be very difficult to spot. Like strong tidal currents they are often not visible on the surface but can work below the surface to drag you off course or even stop you in your tracks.
In the September EFT Café Andy Hunt will demonstrate a simple, two-part process for uncovering a wide range of limiting beliefs and show you how to use EFT to dissolve those beliefs once they have been found.
This EFT Café is on Thursday 15th September from 7pm-9pm at St Oswald’s Hospice Teaching Centre, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne. The cost for this workshop is just £10.
Please note: Because of a booking clash at the Hospice Teaching Centre we are running this EFT on Thursday night rather than the usual 2nd Wednesday of the month. The EFT Cafe will return to its usual Wednesday slot in October.