Tapping Into Your Shadow
Many years ago, famous psychologist, C G Jung proposed that we were forced by upbringing, or experience, to conceal important aspects of ourselves to get along with those around us.
Those aspects and capacities were hidden away in what he called The Shadow, the part of the psyche where all the disowned parts of ourselves are put away. He thought that we expended a lot of energy mistakenly fighting or suppressing the Shadow.
Although the Shadow contains what we were taught to be ashamed of or not allowed to express, these qualities correctly used can become a source of great power and strength to us. In fact they can be just what we need to deal with what life is presenting us.
One of the ways the Shadow shows itself is through projection, which is judging the qualities that we have suppressed in ourselves but are displayed by others. This annoyance can tell us what resource we may have available to us if only we can get it.
In November’s EFT Café Andy Hunt will introduce you to Shadow Work with EFT so that you can use the tell tale signs of the Shadow to bring what has been hidden to light and transform it with EFT into a great resource
The November EFT Café is on Wednesday, November 10th from 7pm to 9pm and costs just £10.
You will need some experience of EFT to attend this workshop